Channelizing the youth power for Nation building

 Channelizing the youth power for Nation building

India is a well known country for its unique culture, natural diversities, linguistic population, educational systems, sports, technological aspects and much more. Not a single field of talents goes without the 'Indian Touch'. The nation is proud enough for the greatest achievements till date amidst the tough competition between the developed countries, especially the European countries. If a citizen of India take a look on the traversed path, right from the day if independence to today's sunrise, the country is being molded to a better version every second. 

This tremendous effort of marking history can be called in short as ' NATION BUILDING'.

Development of the nation is the development of the youth. Without doubt, the youth forms the pillar of the nation building. 

Their great contribution in science and technology has brought India to fame. 

Chandrayan-2, GSLV Mk -III, etc are just the beginning of the list. Indian education system has played a key role that eventually benefits in every field of talent. This potential of Indian youth is well utilized by the foreign countries and so called Brain Drain became the greatest trauma of the era. 

Still why is India not the No.1?

The best youths of the world are Indians. Then still why is India not yet declared as a developed nation? 

Does this mean the pillar of the country is corroding? 

Sort of corrosion has struck the country hard enough.Success should begin from the roots. Any flaw in the base could cost the fruit. The same is applicable in case of the youth of 'Modern India'.

Though India is one of the best countries in the world, still there remains cons.

Albert Einstein once said,

" Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that its stupid."

 When you look at the root cause of the youth, most of the parents raise their children according to the parents’ wishes and thereby blindly ignoring the dreams of the little hearts. They grow up living others dream which ultimately affects their efficiency in whatever they are asked to perform.

At present, a major proportion of the youth have lost their faith in themselves.

If we come to the stem cause of the development phase, that would definitely be improper educated system. This education system is more concerned in manufacturing educated labours(product) than skilled labours. Skill has no significance in the certificates achieved. 

Mugging up the textbooks and theory, thereby mostly failing to apply them in real life. 

Everything learned is thereby nothing more than mere words. 

There has been a drastic change in analyzing people by valuing there skills. But still, 

marks remain the supreme basis of employment.

This is the major criteria responsible for unemployment. In addition to that, the dirty game of politics causes unemployment. 

Most of the government jobs chose candidates on the basis of their caste, race, religion or political influence. The problem so caused is that the deserved is rejected while the undeserved is employed. The ultimate result is just another huge loss.

Unemployment leads to poverty. Poverty paves the way to increase in debts, formation of slums, malnutrition, health hazards and much more. 

The fact that lies behind is that every cause is interconnected to one another.

 The whole system is a 'web' which is similar to a cobweb where the youth are the preys.

As they become the prey, they have to deal with various psychological stresses which include depression and anxiety. Depression has become trending in the era. People live within stresses and pressure beyond the capacity of their brain. Then they would just get popped out like a bubble when they can't resist. 

Another highlighting factor is the role of politicians. Elderly politicians grab a seat in any one of the administrative body. Later on, they gain the whole control of the system. This is catastrophic to the society, especially the common man. Not only that even the loyal servants have to lick the shoes of their inefficient leaders. They, the youth end up becoming the 'official puppets' of the nation which a matter of shame. Anyone who question or oppose the government actions are fired off easily through well planned malpractices. 

The lack of resources is another obstacle for the youth development. The Indian system doesn't provide the required stage to showcase the efforts, whereas the foreign countries are plentyful of stages but no players. So, brain drain comes into action. 

In addition to that, educational benefits are provided to the undeserved than deserved. So the upcoming youth abandon the nation and settle elsewhere in the world.

Man shows differences in opinions, interests, ideas and innovations. These differences ultimately unite or divide them to form masses or groups. The renowned and highlighting masses include on the basis of religion and politics. 

One of the respectful quality of India is that irrespective of the religion all were treated as humans and all were loved as humans. The unity among the people of the nation is something every other nation admires of. But, with disappointment, the country is in the verge of losing its uniqueness. Implementation of improper or irrelevant dictatorship rules in democracy affects the nation building. People, especially youth are forced to focus on their beliefs than their development. Hence, the country will collapse if continued the same. 

Speaking the case of women within the youths, the country has been proved to be unsafe for women.

This is a primary case for the hostility of men towards working women. 

As time changed, women did come out of the kitchens to show who they really are. But the lusty flesh lovers hidden within the corners of the society is an important factor that affects the development of the nation. 

Corruption and bad governcy badly affects the common people. All the people should be equal rights.

After a brief examination on the factors that turn out to be an obstacle for youth development. 

The obstacles are piled up and found to be more similar to a benign growth. It is highly essential to sort this mess out. 

An overall makeover is essential to strengthen the youth and thereby channelizing the youth for tomorrow The treatment of this disease should begin right from the root. 

The root is within the premises of the parents. Parents should be more social and should have an immense heart to let their kids explore themselves. The adventures could be challenging hard enough. But it would be worth when the kid finally believe in their talents. 

The youth can update the removing the spaces meant for caste, race and religion. 

There should be only one type of people in India that is just INDIAN.

It's high time you give up the reservation on the basis of the caste, be it for educational aspects or within the job criteria. Let the talent prevail. 

Love and respect for religion is never a crime. But strongly imposing them on other for selfish needs is definitely a great sin. Respect each individual for their individuality. Political matters should never touch the premises of religion. Both are at two different extremes. No political party should emerge on the ideology of religion. The ideology should purely based on the innovative brains with essential values of leading a successful life. A strong move should be taken to demolish the parties based on religion, irrespective of which religion basis. People should rule and govern on the basis of human values honesty, sincerity, loyalty, hardworking to bring out unity. 

Its high time that youth should be provide with room for skills not marks nor certificates. 

Complete eradication of unemployment eradicates poverty. 

No female name should be added to another hashtag. 

This is 2020 and it's time to let them free to be their best.

Youth is power. Learning to mold the brain wisely and the man power could help us achieve whatever we desire. Power can only take a strong move against the so called developing India. 

The right move at the right time could lead to right destination. 

We should learn to love our nation and let patriotism patriotism rush within our veins. This rush of patriotism should be parted to every generation. The only label you should have is INDIAN. Nothing more, nothing less. Let's just recall what Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam 

" My message, especially to young people is to have the courage to think differently, courage to invent, to travel the unexplored path courage to discover the impossible and to conquer the problems and succeed. These are the wise qualities they must work towards. This is my message to the young people. "

Let's work as one for not just a better India, but the Best India. It's always always better late than never.

Jai hind. 

An essay written by,

© Sapna Sivanthie Suresh Kumar


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